
Monday 14 January 2013

Lush Yuzu and Cocoa Bubbleroon Review

Its not very attractive to look at but you should get the idea...

I made my first visit to Lush since I was 15 the other day. Me and my friends used to go shopping every Saturday and always called into Lush. We never used to buy anything, just go round the whole shop smelling all the soaps and bath bombs. Oh we were so cool.

So this is my first ever Lush purchase. I spent a while in the shop trying to decide what I wanted, I nearly went for the Comforter, a classic, but opted for the Yuzu and Cocoa Bubbleroon. I loved the smell and the fact that it would leave my skin feeling really soft and smooth, hopefully.

I live in South Wales where our water is extremely soft, meaning that soaps and shampoos or bubble bath lather up really well. If you live in an area with hard water, you will find that products do not foam up as well as it would in soft water. I used a quarter of the bubbleroon and it created loads of bubbles. Here is a picture of them :)

It did turn the water a muddy colour, the sort of colour it would turn if you were wearing wash off fake tan. This didn't bother me too much though.

It smells divine, I cant really describe it. The scent lasted a while on my skin after the bath and my skin was left feeling noticeably smoother and softer.

I would definitely recommend this bubbleroon, I got four uses out of it so it is also great value for money.

What product do you recommend I try from Lush next?

Gem x


  1. I've never tried any lush products but this sounds great!! xx

  2. Omg! so much lather from just a quarter. That's amazing. I love lush. I try not to get too many things there as it is dangerous for my wallet but I like to buy their products as gifts. I love the "Golden wonder" from their Christmas edition. It is sooo amazing. x

    1. I have seen that on a few blogs, Pitty 's only for christmas x

  3. I haven't heard of this one! Sounds lovely xx

  4. Good choice, as a Lush employee and addict and someone who has tried all of the bubble bars this one is actually my favourite. I like how soft it is :) Butterball is another lovely soft one that leaves skin feeling fabby :) xx

    1. Great to hear :) the butterball sounds amazing will have to try that soon x

  5. I love this, you've actually just reminded me that I have a few stashed away somewhere! You're so lucky you live in a soft water area though, the water in London is so hard that bubblebaths are pretty much impossible!

    Lola | LolaStarHearts xx

    1. haha, glad to help. I have family living in London and they say the same. Also they have a problem with limescale, whereas I have never seen it before x

  6. So many bubbles! This sounds fantastic! I love bubble baths.

  7. I tend to be totally lush'd out after Christmas, I spend the run up shriveled like a prune from so many Lush bubble baths x

  8. This is one of my favourite Lush products, I think it is gorgeous :)! But I agree the muddy bath water is a little off putting! haha
    LaceyLoves x

    1. I think this will become one of my favourites too :) if only they would change the colour x

  9. Might try this next! Although I'd never get that many bubbles cause we have hard water x

    1. You may just need to use more than I did, it might still make them you never know :) gem x
